Thursday, January 14, 2010

Where in Bowie? Answer revealed.

In a previous post, I asked where this picture was taken in Bowie.

The picture was taken along the brick walkway leading to the Belair Stable Museum. Kudos to Anonymous for correctly guessing the answer.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Thank you Bowie Mike and I don't even live in Bowie! ;)

  3. Anonymous, thanks for playing. We'll see if we can stump you with the next one!

  4. What a beautiful series of shots! We might have to do a little cruising around scenic Bowie before our upcoming dinner there at the still-to-be-determined restaurant. Thanks again for the info!

  5. Cyndy, well.... I can't promise you that all of Bowie looks as nice as the Belair Stable after a snow!
