Thursday, February 4, 2010

Another Snowstorm, More Pics

Yet another snowstorm came through Bowie on Tuesday night and early Wednesday. I didn't hear the official snow total, but it looked like 4 inches to me. The wet, sticky snow was enough to close the schools for the day. The snow was great for snowballs and great for snowmen. In fact, I did see a lot of snowmen and some snowfamilies when I was driving through Bowie on my way home from work.

Last December we had what I call the "once every 7 year" storm, but now it looks like another big one is coming this weekend. We'll have to see if it turns out as bad as some people are predicting.

This dogwood tree in our backyard seems to hold the snow.

A closeup of the dogwood.

The parking lot at work in Tysons Corner. I know it's just a parking lot, but I thought the wall of white in the background made for an interesting contrast.

Looking out my office window.

Rising temperatures caused most of the snow to melt or fall from the trees by mid-morning.


  1. dogwood? I thought it was an elm at first.

  2. 7 to 24 inches... Coming your way? Can't wait to see the photos. Be safe. Stock up on toilet paper.. :)

  3. it is now 24-30 II. I have stocked up on boxed wine

  4. Boxed wine... Good movies... What more could you ask for?

  5. Intrepid, see what you're missing back here?!?!

    Diskster, I'm interested to see what sort of blog post the boxed wine leads to...
